Why Visit Burgundy? Part 1: The Cuisine

Why Visit Burgundy? To Experience Some Of The World's Best Cuisine

There are so many different types of wines available from all over the world, so why should you go for Burgundy wines? There are also many holiday destinations with their own wine culture around the world – why should Burgundy be the top of your list? The answer to these questions will take us on a journey of discovery, starting from the monks, Kings, and Dukes of Burgundy's history and leading us to the present day. Along the way, we'll explore the rolling hillsides, mysteries of the terroir, and meet some colorful characters. In this part of our series on "Why visit Burgundy?", we explore the dishes loved the world over that originated centuries ago right here – and look at the food which pairs so well with wine. After all, this is the region that gives food not just for the body, but also for the soul.

In this article we take a look at some of the types of cuisine just waiting to be discovered. Wine and food are so intrinsically linked here that the origins of many of Burgundy's dishes can be traced back to the grape, such as the famous Dijon mustard (only mustard made according to the traditional nineteenth-century recipe is considered true Dijon mustard, using the juice of slightly unripe grapes, known as verjus, instead of vinegar).

Discover the Best Burgundy Cuisine at Domaine de Cromey

One of the best ways to discover for yourself why Burgundy is chosen by so many people for its cuisine, is to experience a stay at the Domaine de Cromey. Here, nestled amongst the vines in the rolling Burgundy countryside, is the home of Elden Selections. Good food is at the heart of life here, where traditions are upheld and harmony with nature is a top priority. We use organic soils and compost, cover crops, raised beds, and avoid the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. When visitors come to Cromey, Dennis and Ellie offer them the chance to experience the wine and food of this wonderful region in the hands of experts.

Many of the recipes used are from Ellie's own cookbook, which features vegetables from Cromey's potager (vegetable garden). Her book - At Home in Burgundy – the Papillon Recipes – is named after a period in her life when she owned a luxury hotel-barge called Le Papillon with Dennis on which they hosted lavish dinner parties.

Why visit Burgundy? Burgundy, perhaps more than any other wine region, has wines which lend themselves to food pairings because of their almost infinite nuance and complexity of flavor. And of course, this all leads back to one thing: terroir. The land these wines are grown on is such a rich mix of clay, limestone, gravel and Jurassic rock that it changes almost from yard to yard, creating a spectrum of wines that – although they are almost entirely made from only two grape types – is almost limitless.

Why Visit Burgundy? For Its Cheeses and Meat Dishes...

There are certain cheeses that were specifically created to complement particular wines. For example, Ami du Chambertin was developed in the 1950s to be paired with Gevrey-Chambertin wines. If you want to learn more about cheese and wine pairings in Burgundy, we have an article dedicated to it. However, it’s worth noting that these cheeses are products of Burgundy’s local animals and land. They don’t travel well and are best enjoyed where they are made. So, if you’re looking for an excuse to visit Burgundy, trying out these cheeses would be a great reason!

Many meat dishes that originated in Burgundy are now enjoyed globally. You may be consuming them regularly without even realizing where they come from. For instance, Charolais beef cattle, which are named after the town of Charolles in western Burgundy, were once owned by Philip of Burgundy several centuries ago. One of the most famous dishes that features this exceptional meat, and is widely available on menus worldwide, is Boeuf Bourguignon. This dish is an excellent example of how Pinot Noir wine can be used both in the cooking process and as an accompaniment to the meal.

The World-Class Poultry and Fish Dishes Burgundy Offers

If you’re a fan of poultry, you might want to try Bresse chicken. These birds are also known as the Queen of Chickens and come from the Bourg-en-Bresse region in the Mâconnais area, which is famous for its white wines. The flavor and character of the chicken dish can be perfectly matched with a wine from the same region. According to Ellie's cookbook, a Monthélie wine from the Domaine Potinet-Ampeau or a 1er Cru ‘Champs Fulliots’ would be a great choice. The name Bresse is also given to a type of cheese, Bleu de Bresse, which has a washed crust and creamy texture. Additionally, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can try dishes made with the famous Burgundian snails (escargot de Bourgogne), which pair well with a good Chablis wine.

You may know Burgundy primarily for its meat dishes, but in fact there are many great fish dishes which are easier to pair with wines than you may think… for example, the local speciality sparkling wine known as Crémant de Bourgogne will make a fine partner with scallops or exotic fish dishes; and if your fish dish is a little more on the creamy side then look for something from Pouilly-Fuissé. If your fish is quite meaty, then Beaujolais is a surprisingly good wine match; if it’s grilled or smoked then you may find something from the Cote de Nuits complements these flavors more effectively. To show that there is no mystery around pairing wine and fish dishes well, we’ve published an article on the topic here to prove that the two can happily go hand-in-hand. Just remember – don’t be afraid to experiment!

When it comes to desserts, the good matches continue. An oaked, slightly creamy Chardonnay is the perfect complement to cakes with citrus or summer fruit flavors (a twist on strawberries and cream), as is drizzle cake or shortbread. Similarly, desserts that contain rich, dark chocolate will pair perfectly with the right bottle of Pinot Noir. These food and wine combinations are sure to create unforgettable memories so when someone next asks you "Why visit Burgundy?" you can tell them why Burgundy is the perfect choice.

Learn more about Burgundy Cooking With Ellie’s Cookbook

You can quickly and easily learn lots more about the recipes and wines of Burgundy by following this link to Ellie’s recipes on our website. Or better still, why not get a copy of her book for yourself here, or watch some recipe videos from Domaine de Cromey on YouTube? Then there’s our Burgundy Wine Club, which we’d love you to become a member of – you’ll get four shipments every year, the chance to attend member-only events in the USA, wine glasses especially selected for Burgundy wines, and the chance to win a stay at Cromey. Don’t forget, to find out more about life at Cromey and what goes on here, and for more reasons on "Why visit Burgundy?" check out the Domaine de Cromey blog.


Why Visit Burgundy? Part 2: The Grapes


Three of The Very Best Burgundy Cycling Routes For Wine Lovers