The booking agreement is between the Customer and Cromey LLC, herein "Cromey" (a Limited Liability Company whose registered address is 3468 NW 85th Terrace, Ocala, Florida 34468 USA). "Customer" means any person or persons with whom Cromey makes any booking agreement but this shall not be limited to the person who makes an application for booking, but will include any person included or designated in any booking whether named or not.

Burgundy House Party (BHP) and Mix and Meet (M&M) weeks start on Sunday afternoon and end after breakfast on the following Saturday (unless otherwise specified). Cromey shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury including travel delays due to bad weather, industrial action or any other reason beyond their control incurred by the Customer before the start of the holiday.

In the event that Customers are refused entry into the country in which the holiday takes place, due to incorrect documentation (passports, visas, health certificates, etc.) Cromey accepts no liability and the standard cancellation procedure will apply.

A non-refundable deposit of US Dollar 10,000 is required upon booking for BHP weeks and $2000 per person for M&M weeks. The balance is due 90 days prior to arrival date. If booking less than 90 days before the arrival date, full payment must be made at the time of booking.

Cancellations: Within 90 days of the arrival date, there will be no refund unless the space is resold. If the space is resold there will be a refund less the initial deposit. Such refunds are payable after the applicable holiday date.

To protect yourself in the event that you have to cancel your holiday unexpectedly, we strongly recommend that you take out private trip cancellation insurance at the time of your initial payment to us.

Cromey reserves the right at all times to cancel any booking or holiday or portion thereof on refund of the appropriate value paid by the Customer for the cancelled portion without further liability. Cromey accepts no responsibility for delays caused by circumstances beyond its control.

Cromey shall not be liable to the Customer for any delays, the non-availability of the property for the holiday, any absence or interruption of services or supplies to or the state or condition of the property nor for any accidents, injury, damage or loss to or affecting any customer or a customer’s belongings which shall be due to bad weather, industrial actions, the action of the customer or any other person or any other matter, thing or circumstance which is outside the control of Cromey and which is not due to the negligent act or omission of Cromey or anyone under its direct employment or control. Insurance against such eventualities is not included in the holiday and customers are advised to effect their own insurance against the same.

Customers are also advised that the swimming pool at the property can be dangerous if not properly used or supervised. Cromey will accept no liability for any injury, damage, or loss that may occur from the use or misuse of the pool.

Any problem that may arise during the holiday must be raised immediately at the time with a representative of Cromey and must be notified in writing to Cromey at the earliest opportunity thereafter and in any event not later than 28 days after completion of the holiday.

Any claim must be notified to Cromey within 28 days of the completion of the holiday or of the date when the claimant first had knowledge of the material facts giving rise to the claim (whichever date is the later) and any action thereon must be commenced within 1 year of that date failing which Cromey shall be under no liability to the Customer whatsoever.

The Customer shall reimburse Cromey for any damage or injury by act neglect or fault of the Customer to any part of the structure, furnishings fittings or equipment at the property or to any other property of Cromey or any third party and the Customer shall indemnify Cromey against any claim loss or damage which it may suffer as a result of such act, neglect or fault of the Customer.

Cromey acts only as the agent of the Customer in arranging for the supply of any travel, accommodation, ballooning or other services not included in the cost of the holiday.

Every care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the description of Cromey and her operation; however, such descriptions are for guidance only and Cromey will accept no liability for changes in the description of Cromey and her facilities. Cromey gives no warranty as to the truth of any representations made by its servants, agents or subagents in relation to any of the holiday arrangements offered by it.

This arrangement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida USA and in addition any lawsuits, which may arise at any point from this present agreement, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the US courts.